By answering these six questions, you’ll
start to get a handle on which is better for you - your current religion, or
the new belief system of Scientific Humanism. Count how many times your
religion is best versus how many times Scientific Humanism is best.
Which gives you a better chance of avoiding “hell”?
If you believe that an after-life judge
(if one exists) is all-loving, then would he look upon you more favorably if
your belief system says “love gays,
equally”, like The Center for Scientific Humanism says, or to kill gays, like the Bible and Islamic texts say? Would he favor you
if you “love people enough to not
approve of any ethical people being tortured in hell” (Scientific Humanism), or
if you embrace a belief system that is ok with hard-working ethical people
being burned alive for simply making the honest mistake of picking the wrong
“god” (like Bible/Jesus/Qur’an say) – and said god refuses to provide a
court-room level of evidence that he’s true, and that he’s the one true god out
of the 5000+ gods on offer.
If he’s all-caring would he favor you if
you believe “if it was up to me, I’d let hard-working Jews, Buddhists, etc.
into heaven - because I love everybody“ (Scientific Humanism), or if you
believe in texts that are bigoted towards Jews, Buddhists, etc. enough to not
allow them into “heaven” even if they are harder working and more ethical than
you are?
Which is more loving and forgiving?
A belief system that teaches to be so
forgiving that you can never approve of someone having flooded the entire earth
(Scientific Humanism), or one that teaches that it was perfectly fine to have
wiped out virtually all of humanity (a holocaust of humanity, including
innocent babies) and even virtually all the innocent animals, in a flood
A belief system that brings forward the good parts of the teachings of
Moses and Mohammad (and others), such as to show compassion to the poor - but not
the bad parts, such as Moses commanding the slaughter of 3000 innocent people
(Exodus 32:28), and Mohammad having 600+ captives
beheaded in a single day. Or a belief system that actually approves of those mass killings?
Which is more ethical?
Scientific Humanism teaches that “your
biggest responsibility is towards your children”. Jesus, although we admire him
for believing a number of good
things, also believed just the opposite of Scientific Humanism as he urged
people to leave their children and “hate” them, in Luke 14:25-27. Scientific
Humanism brings forward the good teachings of Jesus, such as “love your
neighbor” (and we improve on that, even), but we love too much to bring forward
any hatred or extremism.
Scientific Humanism is so compassionate
that it teaches “no corporal punishment”. The Qur’an is quite inspirational,
but Qur’an 4:34 instructs a man to beat his wife, and says that men are
better than women and that men are in charge of women. Do you deserve a belief
system that knows right from wrong?
Which believes in you the most?
Scientific Humanism believes in you and
your children so much (you are awesome) that we encourage you to help us
actually improve the texts of our belief system. Jesus and the Qur’an both say that if you try to improve
their texts that they will see that you get burned alive.
Scientific Humanism believes in people
so much that we would let all ethical people into “heaven” and avoid “hell”, if
it were up to us. Jesus and Mohammad, even though well-intended, each seem more
self-centered, as they say they will only let people into “heaven” who believe
in them personally, and believe you deserve torture if you don’t. We
want to create the most forgiving belief system, so we forgive Jesus/Mohammad,
and their followers.
Which is better for the world?
Scientific Humanism is the most
compassionate belief system, so it teaches “no torture”. Bible/Jesus approve of torture 26 times. Is compassion, or torture,
better for the world?
We love the women in your family so much
that we teach to “not discriminate against women” and “base rewards on merit, not on gender”. Scientific
Humanism believes that our texts can move beyond sexism once and for all. Bible/Jesus/Qur’an,
though well-intended, teach that your mother and daughters are worth ½ that of
a man (Lev 27:3-7, Q2:282, Q4:176, etc.)
Which draws from the best of the other great
belief systems the most?
Scientific Humanism is the most humble
belief system so it is willing to admit that other belief systems have some
good words of wisdom to draw from – so we incorporate those good parts into our
belief system. This gives you a better belief system than belief systems like
Christianity and Islam which are unwilling to do that. We love Christians and
Muslims – they are awesome, and want to show them a new way.
If your belief system won, then we’d
love for you to email us at info@ScientificHumanism.org and tell us how we can make our belief
system as good as yours is. If Scientific Humanism won, then you’ll want to
join us at ScientificHumanism.org, and help us change the world!
You are incredible.
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